There are altogether eleven Interplast team members here at the Ingenio San Antonio these days and by and by, we will introduce all of them to you. The first to be presented is one of our anesthesiologists and our team leader, Mark, who has been on more than 15 Interplast trips throughout the past 20 years. He considers this place – especially the organization, setting and team work – unusual and unique in relation to any other site he has been to with Interplast. The site provides an extremely high level of sophisticated medical care and reconstructive surgery besides a highly organized team working with Interplast. “The partnership with APROQUEN and Ingenio San Antonio” says Mark “has been a success for Interplast. They have basically achieved their goals at this site.” In future, visiting educators might be sufficient to visit the Ingenio as the team there together with APROQUEN can very well function by itself.