Some of the children who were bored while waiting for their surgery began coloring. Once we put a couple of the pieces up in the PACU (recovery room), more kids became interested in joining in on the fun.
The kids are not allowed to drink or eat anything for hours before the surgery, and the hunger can be uncomfortable and distracting. As any parent can tell you, this can lead to quite a contagious bout of crankiness and tantrums. Luckily, coloring seemed to diffuse a lot of this tension, while brightening up an otherwise dreary room.
The kids are not allowed to drink or eat anything for hours before the surgery, and the hunger can be uncomfortable and distracting. As any parent can tell you, this can lead to quite a contagious bout of crankiness and tantrums. Luckily, coloring seemed to diffuse a lot of this tension, while brightening up an otherwise dreary room.
Liked you on Facebook, too. =)
Posted by: Jimmy Choo Chaussures | December 15, 2011 at 06:35 PM