Today we set up shop at el Hospital Militar Central. Our host, Dr. Jorge Terrazas, is great. He not only prescreened 700 patients prior to our arrival, but he also facilitated setting up our operating site and getting local nurses, residents, and other hospital workers to help out. The clinic itself was captivating; there were so many people in need of correction of hand problems including congenital defects, burns, work-related injuries and accidents. Dr. Kyle Bickel, Dr. David Kim, and Dr. Joyce Chen along with Dr. Jorge Terrazas helped evaluate all patients to determine if an operation could improve function and form of their hands. Witnessing their collaboration with decision making was phenomenal. Everyone on the team was working hard. The pediatricians and anesthesiologists were thoroughly evaluating patients and the team nurses were setting up the quirófanos (ORs) and seeing patients as well. Given that we were starting up quirófanos from scratch, the anesthesiologists worked closely with the local physicians and nurses to ensure that we had everything we needed. Amazing day really, many patients in true need of help and great people working together to make it happen.