Dr. Joyce Chen, Interplast Webster Fellow.
Running into our surgical consultation room was a rambunctious and adorable little girl named Jerzee. She is 14 months old and has an unrepaired cleft palate. After an appropriate examination and counseling to Jerzee’s mother regarding her daughter’s cleft palate, Jerzee was scheduled for surgery the next day. Just as she came into our lives, Jerzee left, running out of the room after her mother.
Running into our surgical consultation room was a rambunctious and adorable little girl named Jerzee. She is 14 months old and has an unrepaired cleft palate. After an appropriate examination and counseling to Jerzee’s mother regarding her daughter’s cleft palate, Jerzee was scheduled for surgery the next day. Just as she came into our lives, Jerzee left, running out of the room after her mother.