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Arnold, I’m pretty connideft it seems to most Iranians that there is not an honest dispute over Iran’s nuclear program that is fueled by a kind of naive ignorance on the part of the West, and that can be resolved by Iran producing more information. The West opposes Iran’s real position, which is that even though it has no intention of building a weapon I always find irony in responses like this. You argue that Iran's expanding its nuclear disclosures to what other countries disclose would not really satisfy the West, and so why do it? That implies that the only purpose of Iran's action should be to satisfy the West. I disagree with that. The objective of Iran's actions in observing the AP and nearly every other action should be to keep the US at bay long enough that the US' strength weakens, Iran's strength increases, and Iran's alliances with rising new powers strengthen sufficiently that Iran need no longer care whether its actions satisfy the West or not.I believe observing the AP would accomplish that objective. Doing so could help Iran to peel off China and possibly Russia when the next round of sanctions come up for a vote. It could make it a bit tougher, and take a bit longer, for US war-mongers to bring around the American public. All this means delay, and delay is good for Iran.In short, the flaw in your criticism is that you assume an action taken by Iran will have value for Iran only if that action causes the US to change its behavior. Ironically, you ascribe much more importance to the US' reaction than I do.

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