Last night we had a farewell party with our hosts from El Hospital Regional in Cusco. About 30 of us had a wonderful evening at the restaurant, “El Sabor del Cusco” (“The Taste of Cusco) to thank our hosts and celebrate our achievements. Guests included doctors, nurses, and administrators who helped our team with obtaining operating room equipment, caring for patients on the wards, and pre-screening potential patients. Interplast relies on international partnerships like these in order to carry out our programs around the world.
Here is a photo of plastic surgeon Dr. Mario Cornejo with the director of El Hospital Regional del Cusco, and team leader Kay Neal, R.N. After Kay made a beautiful speech about our partnership with Dr. Cornejo and the hospital, the director presented Interplast with a lovely plaque commemorating our visit. One thing that Kay said rang especially true: “Over the past two weeks, we have changed the lives of many children who could not otherwise afford such care, but we have also experienced a transformation in our own lives as well.”