Sara Anderson - director, communications and public education: In the upcoming 2007 fiscal year, Interplast has the opportunity to expand and serve needs in Ethiopia, China, Ghana, India and Mali. Expanding in these regions of the world will allow Interplast to reach thousands more children in need of our services and provide valuable education and outreach programs for local physicians and surgeons.
The World Health Organization estimates there are approximately 35,000 babies born every year in China with cleft lip and/or palate. China has an ample supply of skilled doctors and nurses, but impoverished families, especially those from rural regions, simply cannot afford the medical help their children require. In China, Interplast plans: to eliminate all existing cleft lips and palates in the BeiBei area of Chongqing in the next five years; expand its medical education and empowerment programs in Chongqing and in Yunnan province’s capital, Kunming; and provide life-changing surgeries in Kunming.Africa:
Since 1999, Interplast has worked in perhaps the most challenged continent in the world: Africa. For more than six years, the international humanitarian organization has supported the Interplast Surgical Outreach Center in Lusaka, Zambia, providing rare access to reconstructive plastic surgery; its director is the only plastic surgeon in the country. In FY2007, Interplast has the opportunity to: establish a surgical outreach center in Ghana; send a volunteer surgical team to Bamako, Mali; and provide visiting educator workshops in Ethiopia and Ghana.India:
Interplast also is planning on working in India, one of the world’s most populous and poverty-stricken region; 40 percent of the world’s poor live in India. Dr. Bill Schneider, Interplast’s chief medical officer, will head to India on May 23 to evaluate six sites that are under serious consideration for establishing direct service (free plastic surgeries), education and year-round surgical outreach programs. Schneider will visit: Jalandhar, Punjab; Debra Dun, Uttranchal; Chennai, Tamil Nadu; Bangalore, Karnataka; Trivandrum, Kerula; and Parbatia and Tinsukia, Assum.To follow along on his site visits, please visit this blog at the end of May.
This was received by me from a local mebmer of the LP: "When, in addition to the social and moral issues, we throw into the mix foreign policy issues, we lose still other liberty-leaning potential supporters. I meet so many libertarian and patriotic Americans, who believe sincerely that the libertarian policy so well defended by Ron Paul --that our armed forces should be used to defend the United States, not fight for allies or regimes who we see as being on our side in lands all over the world would be abandoning our young men fighting overseas and all that they have sacrificed, the young soldiers protecting America far from home. When we talk about bringing the troops home right away, we play into the hands of the conservative establishment, the sort of politicians in the Republican Party whom some of us got to see too closely last spring at county and state conventions, men and women who argue that Republicans stand for less government (less only than Mao and Stalin, perhaps; but at least they stand for less ) and strength abroad . And they beat us in the elections."This follows a rant about how libertarian positions on drug policy and gay marriage and against the death penalty are "divisive" and embarrassing.His suggestion, then, was that we stick to the talking points in Redpath's list - apparently the positions taken there are not "divisive" for some reason. Yeah, they're not divisive if you're only talking to lying, hypocritical, weasly partisan "small government" Republican hacks who can use Redpath's list to bash Obama.And this guy is old enough, and has been around the LP long enough, to know that the founders of the LP had already split with the YAF and the Republican Party over its support for the Vietnam War before Nixon's wage/price controls were even a gleam in his eye.
Posted by: Philip | August 15, 2012 at 08:40 PM